Have You Been Served?

I was at home one day this weekend, just sitting on the couch, when the phone rings. I answer exchange hellos with my dad (he rarely calls me….so immediately I’m thinking he has a question or needs me to do something)

dad: the cops were just here looking for you. What did you do?
me: ummm….nothing….why were they looking for me?
dad: they came and asked if Amir was here, I said no, they left a subpoena for you
me: did you give them my number?
dad: no, they just left it here

Don’t you just love how he at first plays like he doesn’t know what its all about?!?! Arrrggg…pisses me off! Just tell me what it’s about, don’t act like I’m a wanted man!

Anyways, do you remember the accident last Halloween when a drunk man knocked over the light pole in front of my parents place? Well, he’s going to trial and I have to appear in court as a witness. It’s mandatory! I barely remember what the guy looked like that night (and that’s all I can testify towards as I didn’t see the accident occur), and yet I have to take time off work to go sit in a courtroom because I happened to see it. No wonder people don’t sit around at an accident scene if they have witnessed it. I think the court should reimburse you for any pay you lose as a result of having to take the day off so the prosecutor can make his/her case!! However, I do believe that the driver should be penalized for drinking and driving, he’s lucky he didn’t hurt someone, and only managed to damage his fathers truck and the city’s light pole.

~ by Amir on September 8, 2009.

9 Responses to “Have You Been Served?”

  1. When I start drinking,please remind me to stop driving πŸ™‚

    How you been, brother? Missed you!

  2. Since you don’t remember how the guy looked like, perhaps you can just describe the damaged light pole instead? πŸ˜€

    Can’t wait to read about how your day turns out in court.

  3. Just go to the court and say you are biased against black/white/hispanic men and they will immediately let you go! πŸ™‚

  4. They don’t pay you if you have to go to court? Here they do, as appearing at court is mandatory, your workplace have to pay you as if you were there working…

  5. it happened last Halloween? and another is coming …

    Fast Justice πŸ˜‰

  6. You should totally get to be reimbursed, we need a change in the system!

  7. You’ll probably be a good citizen and do your part,no doubt and who knows save a few more light poles as well πŸ˜€

  8. Achelois: haha…ineed..will do. I’ve been good thanks πŸ™‚

    nadia: I could, but I don’t really think they care too much about the pole πŸ˜› Hopefully they have my statement, I will just confirm what I wrote. After all it was written at like 3am.

    Haleem: this isn’t jury duty lol. I was a witness, my opinion doesn’t count πŸ˜›

    Elena: nope, no pay. We do get paid if we are called in for Jury Duty, but not for this type of thing. I just talked it over with my boss, it won’t be an all day thing so it’s not a big issue πŸ˜›

    Asma: LOL, same thing the cop told me “I know its been almost a year”. Traffic court is always slow here πŸ™‚

    liya: I agree, there should be some sort of stipulation in either company policy, or in the court system.

    lat: well, I have to go, not sure what would happen if I didn’t, but I’d rather not take the chance πŸ˜› Maybe while I’m there I’ll ask the prosecutor what would have happened if I didn’t show up πŸ˜›

  9. Looking forward to your post, that would be ” Amir’s day out at Court”… πŸ™‚

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